A Peak in Rates?

Interest Rates: Exclusive Insights from Your Local Palm Beach Gardens Team! 🌴

I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits. Our active cash management strategy has proven to be very profitable this year vs just keeping cash in the bank, buying a CD, or even buying and holding T-bills at the start of the year. Interest rates have continued to go higher through out the year; so being active and flexible has generated larger returns for our clients. 

At RollingWave Capital, we don’t pretend to have a crystal ball. But in order to add tangible value for our clients, we must often take a stand on what we think will happen.

While predicting interest rates can be challenging, our technical analysis leads us to believe that we may have witnessed the peak in interest rates.

What does this imply for your cash position? In contrast to earlier this year, we believe that now is an opportune moment to secure some of your cash at longer-term rates.

It is important to note that this is a broad statement, and there are numerous specific factors to consider, as well as various methods to capitalize on the current rate environment. I strongly encourage you to get in touch with us for a more detailed discussion about tailoring a cash management strategy that aligns with your unique financial objectives.

We look forward to the opportunity to work together in further optimizing your financial well-being.
